I have a love and hate relationship with those two little words. As a reader, my heart breaks just a little when a book I absolutely loves ends. Even with a satisfying ending, it’s hard to say goodbye. It’s no different than when one goes off to a vacation—it’s a fun journey but when it’s…
Where Do You Write?
With the advent of the laptop, and now the tablet the concept of writing space has changed to virtually anywhere, anytime. When I think of writing space, I have this image of my head of a well-organized desk facing a beautiful landscape outside. Sometimes, it’s facing the beach, sometimes its facing miles and miles of…
You Write What???
“Thank you, kind Sir. I simply swooned not at the sight of your naked body randomly walking these fields, rather it was the suspiciously purple color of the sky. Is that L.A. smog?” Why, yes, I write romance stories. Why is this such a surprise? A surprise that is sometimes coupled with a wrinkle of…
Things That Make Me Go Hmmm…Write
I’m old enough to remember writing my school paper with a typewriter. Well, an electric one at least, after all, I’m not that old. But technology has come a long way since then (thankfully!). With literally thousands of products available to writers, I have a handful of favorites: Scrivener. I am absolutely in love with…
Music Monday
THE FRAY Music is a huge part of my writing ritual. I often get stuck with the same song or set of songs for weeks, sometimes months–it’s a habit thing for me. And also because I obviously love the song. When I was writing my short holiday story, Shut Up and Kiss Me, two of…