I’m old enough to remember writing my school paper with a typewriter. Well, an electric one at least, after all, I’m not that old. But technology has come a long way since then (thankfully!). With literally thousands of products available to writers, I have a handful of favorites: Scrivener. I am absolutely in love with…
Ten Myths About Working From Home
(Ten Myths About Working From Home OR “What Jerks People Really Think When They Hear You Work from Home”) People think working from home is a cushy gig. Well, it is in the sense that you don’t have to fight the traffic, or that you don’t have to prepare lunch ahead of time (unless you…
NaNoWriMo Not So Helpful Tips
It’s November 2. You know what that means? It’s the second day of NaNoWriMo. No, its not a new Japanese robot craze, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It is held every year to encourage people to write a novel in a month. You can check it out here, even if to just prove…