I got lucky, like incredibly lucky, in the father and husband department. Aside from my children, one of the most defining relationship I have is with my father. This is not a slight against my mother, whose love and light personified (I kid you not, my mother is an absolute angel) but there’s a dynamic to my relationship with my father that I cherish. Then there’s my husband: whose a modern male model to our children–he’s nurturing, affectionate, he shares in the equal (sometimes more) running of our household. My children have a father that completely loves them.
However, while my children and I celebrate Father’s Day with the men that loves us, thousands of children in detention centers are without fathers (and mothers). There are thousands of fathers that cannot celebrate, probably don’t even have an idea, that it’s Father’s Day as they contemplate what future they have in a country that has deemed it appropriate to separate families into detention centers.
I get it. I understand the law. I’m all for legal immigration. I am one of those people that benefited from immigration. However, regardless of ideology, there has to be a recognition that separating young children from their parents is wrong. It may be legal but its wrong. We need to stand with right and wrong–there is no gray area here. It is wrong to take their children from their parents, especially refugees. There is no justification for this. I don’t know how we’ve lost our way as a nation that we can think there is a good reason for taking children from their parents. I hope that soon, we can find our way back to humanity.
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