I have a love and hate relationship with those two little words. As a reader, my heart breaks just a little when a book I absolutely loves ends. Even with a satisfying ending, it’s hard to say goodbye. It’s no different than when one goes off to a vacation—it’s a fun journey but when it’s time to leave, you feel a little sad that it ended too soon.
As a writer though, I love those words. I love when I’m done with my work, when both my beta readers and editor give their thumbs up. You see, often as a writer you get zero interaction about your work (aside from those voices in your head, that is) until you’re certain that your work is ready for reading. And even then, you know that your story is going through several more changes before its ready for public viewing. So, when months of silence between you and the computer screen ends in people whose opinion you value and trust telling you your work is ready, you know you have truly reached the proverbial “the end”. Finally! It’s time to celebrate with feet up and some wine and chocolates. You pat yourself in the back for just a few minutes, until your other characters come calling. Those voices in my head are rarely quiet, so that my the end is usually just a temporary reprieve. Thankfully.
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